To: Attorney General Eric Holder

Department of Justice: Investigate Juror B37's Book Deal as Juror Misconduct

We are requesting that the Department of Justice look into Juror B37's (State of Florida v Zimmerman) Book Deal as a form of Juror Misconduct.

Sharlene Martin of Martin Literary Management represented Juror B37 as early as of Monday, July 15th, 2013 in securing a book deal in regards to her serving as a Juror on the case of the State of Florida v Zimmerman.

We request that this be looked into immediately, as no one should profit off the death of Trayvon Benjamin Martin, the African-American teenager shot & killed by George Zimmerman.

Thank you,

Why is this important?

Juror misconduct is when the law of the court is violated by a member of the jury while a court case is in progression or after it has reached a verdict.

It is believed that Juror B37 had a book deal before or during her services as a Juror in the matter of the State of Florida v Zimmerman.
