To: American Immigration Center

Deport Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is not a naturalized American Citizen and has abused the generosity of all Americans with his vulgar and most often times illegal behavior. Spitting at Americans, urinating in places other than designated facilities, multiple instances of assault on Americans resulting in injury to U.S. citizens. As citizens of the United States who love and respect out country, we ask our government to have this individual deported back to his own native Canada.

Why is this important?

Justin Bieber is not a naturalized American Citizen and has abused the generosity of all Americans with his vulgar and most often times illegal behavior. Spitting at Americans, urinating in places other than designated facilities, multiple instances of assault on Americans resulting in injury to U.S. citizens. As citizens of the United States who love and respect out country, we ask our government to have this individual deported back to his own native Canada.
