To: Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney General and President Donald Trump

Dept. of Justice: Investigate Alabama voter suppression

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Alabama just closed 31 drivers license bureaus in minority areas, including all bureaus in the 8 counties where 75% are African-American. Because Alabama requires voters to have photo ID in order to vote, this is a civil rights violation. Please investigate and put a stop to the voter suppression.

Why is this important?

Alabama just closed 31 drivers license bureaus in counties with the highest percentage of non-white voters. Every county with over 75% of registered voters that are African-American will have their DMV office closed.

Alabama requires voters to have photo ID to vote, so this will disenfranchise the voters in those counties. The Justice Department can put a stop to this, they are the best hope for upholding the rights of all Alabama voters.


UPDATE 12-9-15:

Great news! The U.S. Department of Transportation has launched an investigation into the closure or reduction in services at 34 drivers' license office in Alabama, "as part of the agency's responsibilities under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make sure federal dollars going to state and local governments are used in a non-discriminatory fashion".

UPDATE 10-16-15:

Alabama Governor Bentley says drivers license tests will be offered 1 day a month in those counties that formerly had an office. It's a start, but as Rep. Sewell put it, it provides "only bare minimum access". Please keep contacting the DOJ to make this right.

UPDATE 10-13-15:

Alabama Governor Bentley is considering a plan to open the 31 drivers license bureaus back up, but nothing is decided yet. Please keep the pressure on.

UPDATE 10-5-15:

The Anti-Defamation League and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund have asked the DOJ to investigate, as has Rep. Terri Sewell (who represents the Selma area of Alabama). "Dena Iverson, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, confirmed that the department had received Sewell’s letter, declining to comment further." Please keep contacting the DOJ.