To: Governor Mark Dayton, House Speaker Paul Thissen and Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk
DFL Leaders: We Deserve a Vote on Universal Background Checks!
While we acknowledge our Second Amendment rights, we also assert our rights—and those of our children, parents, friends, and neighbors—to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without the threat of gun violence.
Thus, we call upon you--Speaker of the House Paul Thissen, Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, and Governor Mark Dayton--to ACT NOW before the next gun tragedy occurs. SHOW LEADERSHIP in this legislative session and work to pass common-sense gun laws, including UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS. STAND UP to the NRA--a gun-industry lobby that does not reflect the views of most Minnesotans. Put aside political calculation and demonstrate the MORAL COURAGE that is in keeping with Minnesota’s best tradition.
Thus, we call upon you--Speaker of the House Paul Thissen, Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, and Governor Mark Dayton--to ACT NOW before the next gun tragedy occurs. SHOW LEADERSHIP in this legislative session and work to pass common-sense gun laws, including UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS. STAND UP to the NRA--a gun-industry lobby that does not reflect the views of most Minnesotans. Put aside political calculation and demonstrate the MORAL COURAGE that is in keeping with Minnesota’s best tradition.
Why is this important?
Some MN state legislators tried to promote common-sense gun bills but were thwarted by NRA opposition, and crucially, by a lack of leadership on this issue at the top--from Governor Dayton, Speaker Thissen and Majority Leader Tom Bakk. We need to spur these leaders to speak out in support of true gun violence prevention legislation and to make sure that their caucus sticks together on this. At a minimum, this legslation must include UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS. Polls show that this is what the majority of Minnesotans want!