To: Everyone
Dignity Rights: Saving Face by Saving Faces
Agree that collective humanity can raise enough money for surgery on the face of a suffering, poor mother, in China.
Why is this important?
Recently a woman in China was in the news because huge cancerous growths were growing on her face. She is a poor woman and the new politics of selfishness in China means she is unable to receive treatment as she would have when the country provided its citizens with health care. She is disfigured, lonely, jeered at and called a monster because of how she looks. Her response: I am not a monster, I am a mother, and I am ill.
We as a collective world can certainly raise enough funds for our sister's operation. I am appealing to whoever knows how to do this to step forward: sign the petition that we can, in fact, do this. Then help continue the process of raising the necessary money. I will contribute, of course, and know in my heart that others will be glad to do so, too.
We as a collective world can certainly raise enough funds for our sister's operation. I am appealing to whoever knows how to do this to step forward: sign the petition that we can, in fact, do this. Then help continue the process of raising the necessary money. I will contribute, of course, and know in my heart that others will be glad to do so, too.