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disability AND childsupport


Why is this important?

My brother had a swim accident 2yrs ago. he was born in 1984. very young when accident happen with 4 kids. Childsupport is based on the childs needs. (understood) I also am a mother so i do understand the exspenses. My son is 3 and daughter 18. I have never recieved help. I leave that to the fathers. However my brother is a quad. He cant feed himself or move anything pass shoulders. Law goes by child, percent per child if more than one. Not on fathers ability to work or income. I believe this should be changed. As do lawyers and judges that i have talked with. He and three children were together at time of his accident. (2 different mothers) Both have taken him to court and push readily bc they can. Not bc he can pay it. It only makes it harder on the kids, and stress on a man already weighed down by the disabilty itself. Thats rediculious. WITH OUT FUNDS TO LIVE HIMSELF. more than less spend money on fun for he and his children to enjoy eachother in curriculars that cost anything. Goverment takes away earned income for those same children. Is there a balance??
