To: Governor Eric Holcomb
Disability Discrimination
Burger King should be responsible for their employees when they discriminate against disabled custumers especially when they physically attack the customer, whom is not only a woman but a 9 month pregnant physically disabled woman unable to defend herself or protect her children and unborn child from such a person!
Why is this important?
I am a T-9 paraplegic 38 years old and 38 weeks pregnant and I went to lunch at Burger King where I was filling my drink and an employee came over and punched me in the face insisting I get out of my wheelchair, my 16 yr old son restrained him & after asking 2 employees for help and being ignored a mgr finally came forward and got the man away from us and the city of Lafayette says I have no proof it happened! The man told police he hit me because he wanted me out of my wheelchair! What else do you need! Burger King should be liable for their employee discriminating against me for being physically disabled not to mention my busted mouth and danger they placed me and my son and unborn baby in by employing such a person! Need help getting support to hold them accountable!