On September 15, 2016, David Rae, a disabled father with sole custody of a 12-year-old autistic daughter in Rio Rancho, NM, had his daughter removed from his custody based upon discrimination of his disability. A Colorado Child Legal Representative lied in court to influence a new Colorado Judge that was unfamiliar with the case. Mounting evidence had proven to the previous judge that David is a capable parent. The case was extended to the home state of the father and child, where no CYFD investigation was performed and no evidence was presented. The child was removed by a Colorado and New Mexico Civil Court Order and placed with the aunt who has a personal relationship with a deputy of the Sandoval County Court. It is the end of November, the case still sits in Colorado and in New Mexico courts awaiting a New Mexico Child Legal Representative to come on board. To date, no evidence has been presented. CYFD has no findings of abuse or neglect. David has been denied the ability to defend himself or speak in court. The case has been decided upon based on hearsay. Please stand with us outside US courthouses with signs that support Disabled Parents Can!
Why is this important?
David Rae's autistic 12-year-old daughter is in crisis, severely depressed, and attempted suicide in school in the beginning of October. The family denies the father the ability to see or speak to his daughter, despite court agreements.