To: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.

Dishonorable Discharge for Lt. Gen. Craig Franklin

Lt. Gen. Franklin's decision to overturn the guilty verdict of a sexual predator is an outrage. He further demonstrated just how unfit he is to hold a position of leadership when he blamed the victim for not leaving the scene of the crime before it happened. Then, to add insult to injury, he praised the sexual predator as a long-serving professional officer who is devoted to his family.

We will never solve the epidemic of sexual assault in our military until we hold accountable all those who enable these crimes to go unpunished.

Why is this important?

General Franklin's behavior is so outrageous that it boggles the mind. However, this kind of action will happen over and over unless we make people like him accountable. Enough is enough, I want this type of person out of uniform. He is not fit to wear it.
