Reform our zero-tolerance code of conduct policies and disciplinary system to be more progressive and place suspension and expulsion as a last resort in our public schools. Use a restorative justice model to address conflict in schools and respond to the needs and issues of students, parents, teachers and school personnel.
Why is this important?
African-American students have become a target in our public schools and victims of implemented "zero tolerance" policies. Unnecessary disciplinary actions discourage high academic expectations and destroys confidence in a learning environment. Excessive punishment generally encourages academic failure and dropping out of school, which more than often leads to arrest. Students who drop out of school, are 3.5 times more likely of getting arrested. This system of pushing kids out of school and into the criminal justice system, disproportionately affects minority students and those with learning differences. Let’s find a better solution to making our schools safe and educate children instead of incarcerating them.