To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Dissolve CA State Conservancies, save tax money, hire University scientists

All tax monies whether created by popular vote or created by the legislature, must have a specific public purpose that benefits the people, the environment, the health, the economic viability, and the stability of the state's future, and the funding of projects must be researched, designed, with timed stated financial goals with observable met objectives and the public monetary outlays which, if not met or if money is misused or if the project is deemed by experts to fail to provide the stated public goals or any misappropriation occurs, the public can vote to dissolve the tax.

Why is this important?

In 1999, the California Legislature signed into existence the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers and Mountains Conservancy. Then, the battle began for state tax money, Bond monies and the power to manipulate the public and the "open handed" Bond laws, and slack oversight cost that State of California millions, perhaps billions, of dollars. One director stepped down in 2011 after an audit by the California Attorney General found monies transferred from one Joint Powers Authorities to another that had the same Director for all ad hoc groups. The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy has been audited but, its back room - not for public - meetings has been the "joke" of the state; "California is such an environmentally concerned state." Voters are constantly asked to vote to tax themselves for "heart pulling" issues like, the condition of the Sacramento Delta levees. After Katrina in New Orleans, the Bond Measures 1-E and Prop 84 were passed in 2006 yet the levees are still not fixed and much of the $9.4 Billion is gone.
