To: The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, and Governor Ralph Northam

DMV Code Revision

HR Bill HR47XXY: Amendment set forth to revise the Department of Motor Vehicle’s driver’s licensing code to permit Virginia residents diagnosed transgender, transsexual, intersex, gender variant, to receive appropriate gender designation by receiving gender designation deemed necessary, under the conditions set forth by the American Medical Association and the American Psychology Association, as a legal status regardless of transition status. Furthermore, the only necessary requirement for the applicant to meet is the existing requirement; a letter of recommendation from a licensed psychologist or mental health physician that states the applicant has satisfactorily met the criteria to complete transition. This letter will now suffice as evidence of gender designation and will serve as an expert testimony to the validity of the petition for gender designation.
Provisions may be included that the gender variant person be required to update this information with each successive renewal period as an effort to prevent fraud or misrepresentation.

Why is this important?

The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles requires gender-variant persons to undergo surgery before they will permit proper gender designation on their driver's license.