To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Do Not Allow Time Warner To Charge Customers For Over-The-Air Television

Stop Time Warner's draconian, unlawful practice of encrypting, then charging customers for 'over-the-air' television stations.

Why is this important?

Time Warner now has the capability to 'remotely encrypt' any and all televisions stations. This includes 'over-the-air' stations such as PBS, NBC and ABC that for decades were free (no cost) to the public. A powerful corporation -Time Warner - now LITERALLY CONTROLS THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES, dictating which channels they will allow you to view, and which channels they will not allow you to view. After the channels have been encrypted ("blocked" from your television set), Time Warner then advises that, in order to receive these stations, one must purchase or lease a "digital adapter" and one must subscribe to their (costly) monthly cable service. This violates the FCC edict that; "If you view television over-the-air through the use of an antenna, cable system encryption will not impact you in any way." Time Warner now brazenly operates as if they own the public airwaves. We Must put a stop to their unlawful practices.
