To: The Alaska State House and The Alaska State Senate
Do Not Change Alaska's Constitution! This Will Not Help Our Rural Schools.
Please sign my petition to stop this constitutional amendment before the legislature, SJR 9, that will allow private and religious schools to have access to our public school funds!
Why is this important?
We do not want our legislators changing Alaska's constitution. These changes will HURT RURAL ALASKA'S SCHOOLS! Members of our legislature, through SJR 9, want to change Alaska's constitution so that it allows private and religious schools, through a voucher system, to have access to Alaska's pool of public education funds. If the constitutional changes do go through this will require public schools to share this money with schools that have little or no oversight. Our rural school families have very few if any school choices outside of our public schools. Small village school families have no choices. Vouchers will not help them! Our pioneer Alaskan trailblazers, in their infinite wisdom, saw the need to keep public school money only for public schools so we can keep our schools current, safe, and a great place to learn and work throughout the whole state.