To: Nebraska Parole Board, The Nebraska State House, The Nebraska State Senate, and Governor Pete Ricketts

Do NOT parole pedophile Arthur Sobey

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Speak out against parole for Arthur Sobey a convicted pedophile. He has systematically set out to destroy the innocence and Godly spirit of children.

Why is this important?

Inmate Arthur Sobey was sentenced to 25-30 years for the systematic, manipulative prolonged sexual assault of a child under the age of 10. A 404 hearing during trial heard many but not all of the voices of children he had systematically abused prior. His next parole date is scheduled for February 2014. Even if he is not paroled the criminal justice system is mandated to release him in May of 2015 after only 15 years. Children are not safe as long as he is allowed to roam. If released he will have enormous resources since the military chose not to take away his pension even though law allowed it. Keep your children safe from this predator. Speak out against parole for Arthur Sobey.