To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Do not re-elect any Republican who refuses compromise

Do not re-elect any member of the Republican Party who refuses to accept tax increases as part of the compromise to resolve the "Fiscal Cliff".

Why is this important?

That Republicans kept control of the House of Representatives and the ability to stall the Senate with countless filibusters may not be a problem in the next Congress if they are willing to discuss alternatives and to compromise. But, if they remain determined to continue the same course of "gridlock" as a means of not having to pass any bill not 100% to their liking, they need, finally, be dumped for Democrats or independents in the 2014 elections. President Obama was clearly given a mandate to resolve as many issues in his second term as he did in his first using compromise as a tool to address these issues. However, if Republicans continue their ideologic-based policy of no compromise, they need to be forced to accept the only wake-up call by the only means they seem to understand. The voice of massive defeat by vote of the American people. We can only hope.
