To: Rob Bishop (R-UT), House Natural Resources Committee Chariman

House GOP: Do not repeal the Endangered Species Act

Recent news reports quoted you saying you want to "repeal and replace" the Endangered Species Act. This law is wildly popular and has a 99% success rate. It doesn't need repealing or replacing. Please abandon your misguided attempts to repeal, weaken, replace, or otherwise change the Endangered Species Act.

Why is this important?

The Endangered Species Act is supported by 9 out of 10 U.S. voters, has a 99% success rate, and has prevented hundreds of species from going extinct in the 43 years it's been on the books. Despite this, Congressman Rob Bishop is using his role as Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee to take aim at this bedrock conservation law.

He recently told a news outlet that he wants to "repeal and replace" the law and that lawmakers may "simply have to start over again." This reckless assault on the Endangered Species Act threatens wildlife recovery at a time when the planet is already amidst what scientists call the sixth great extinction event.

Tell Chairman Rob Bishop to abandon his misguided and dangerous attempts to "repeal and replace" the Endangered Species Act.