To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Do you remember WTC 7 ?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST] was charged with determining what caused the total collapse of the Trade Towers and WTC 7. They did not explain the total collapse of the Trade Towers, stopping at collapse initiation.

They did not consider controlled demolition as a possible cause of the destruction of WTC 7 in spite of the fact that it imploded, fell at free fall acceleration for 100 feet and landed mostly in its own footprint, as only a highly skilled demolition company can accomplish.

NIST says that the failure of a single column caused a building with a footprint the size of a football field to collapse completely in the manner of a classic building implosion.

The fire they claim started the collapse had burned out over an hour before the collapse so that first column could not have failed as they posit.

We, the undersigned, respectfully request a truly independent investigation with subpoena power to investigate the implosion of WTC 7 and that all evidence be made public as it is presented.

Why is this important?

Have you seen the videos of World Trade Center building 7 imploding? If not, you owe it to yourself and all those who died on 9/11 to learn what happened to this 47 story skyscraper. There has been a virtual media blackout of this critically important event so you will have to get on the net and do a search for WTC 7.

This is not a conspiracy theory, 19 hijackers is a conspiracy theory. This is a building collapse theory.
