To: Governor Larry Hogan

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Should Last As Long As The Victim Is Still In Fear

Judges should be allowed to extend restraining orders, as long as the victim states they are still in danger.

Why is this important?

My daughter was held at knifepoint by her unstable ex-boyfriend. She was pregnant at the time and had her 4-year-old son in the backseat. Her ex drove at speeds of 100 miles an hour and threatened their lives as she begged him to stop the car and let them out!! Her precious 4-year-old kept screaming, "Just do what he says, mommy!" because he knew this man would kill them!! After he released them, she was able to get a restraining order. She is now in a custody battle. When she went back to extend the restraining order the judge said even though she knew my daughter was still fearful she would not extend the restraining order because he hadn't assaulted her since the last restraining order was put in place. Do victims and their children have to be hurt or killed in order to extend a restraining order? As long as a victim is in danger, it should be extended for a lifetime, if necessary! Please Sign My Petition!!!
