To: The Arizona State Senate and Governor Doug Ducey
Don't Allow Guns in Public Places like libraries and public pools
Just days ago, State Senator Ron Gould announced he did not have the votes in the Senate to pass his guns on campus bill. All who opposed the measure are ready to celebrate, except we must remain diligent that a last minute amendment allowing guns on campus does not pass before the legislative session adjourns.
In the meantime, two particularly dangerous gun bills are moving through the legislature which we need your help to stop. They are:
• Guns in public buildings - HB 2729 would allow individuals to carry guns into public buildings and events unless the public property was secured by either a state or federal law enforcement officer or an armed security guard and metal detectors. The law would apply to police stations, courts, city halls, libraries, public pools, community centers, the state Capitol and other public places.
• Elimination of gun free school zones - Even more outrageous is HB 2719 which would allow any individual legally possessing a gun to carry the weapon within the 1,000 foot zone adjacent to elementary and secondary schools. Since 1990, these zones have been federally mandated as gun free zones; this bill would effectively eliminate the mandate.
Here are 3 things you can do to stop these dangerous gun bills:
0. Call or email your local Mayor and tell him or her to stop the legislature from passing guns in public buildings - a measure requiring local government to spend millions on security that it doesn't have.
1. Call or email your state senator and tell him or her NO to HB 2729 allowing guns in public buildings and NO to HB 2719 allowing guns near schools.
2. Call or email Steve Pierce, President of the Arizona Senate and tell him NO to both gun bills. [email protected]. 602-926-5584
As with guns on campus legislation, our efforts do Make a Difference! Call your Mayor and your state senator today to stop these dangerous gun bills. They passed the House of Representatives, we must stop them in the state Senate. Call or email today!
Just days ago, State Senator Ron Gould announced he did not have the votes in the Senate to pass his guns on campus bill. All who opposed the measure are ready to celebrate, except we must remain diligent that a last minute amendment allowing guns on campus does not pass before the legislative session adjourns.
In the meantime, two particularly dangerous gun bills are moving through the legislature which we need your help to stop. They are:
• Guns in public buildings - HB 2729 would allow individuals to carry guns into public buildings and events unless the public property was secured by either a state or federal law enforcement officer or an armed security guard and metal detectors. The law would apply to police stations, courts, city halls, libraries, public pools, community centers, the state Capitol and other public places.
• Elimination of gun free school zones - Even more outrageous is HB 2719 which would allow any individual legally possessing a gun to carry the weapon within the 1,000 foot zone adjacent to elementary and secondary schools. Since 1990, these zones have been federally mandated as gun free zones; this bill would effectively eliminate the mandate.
Here are 3 things you can do to stop these dangerous gun bills:
0. Call or email your local Mayor and tell him or her to stop the legislature from passing guns in public buildings - a measure requiring local government to spend millions on security that it doesn't have.
1. Call or email your state senator and tell him or her NO to HB 2729 allowing guns in public buildings and NO to HB 2719 allowing guns near schools.
2. Call or email Steve Pierce, President of the Arizona Senate and tell him NO to both gun bills. [email protected]. 602-926-5584
As with guns on campus legislation, our efforts do Make a Difference! Call your Mayor and your state senator today to stop these dangerous gun bills. They passed the House of Representatives, we must stop them in the state Senate. Call or email today!
Why is this important?
Just days ago, State Senator Ron Gould announced he did not have the votes in the Senate to pass his guns on campus bill. All who opposed the measure are ready to celebrate, except we must remain diligent that a last minute amendment allowing guns on campus does not pass before the legislative session adjourns.
In the meantime, two particularly dangerous gun bills are moving through the legislature which we need your help to stop.
Just days ago, State Senator Ron Gould announced he did not have the votes in the Senate to pass his guns on campus bill. All who opposed the measure are ready to celebrate, except we must remain diligent that a last minute amendment allowing guns on campus does not pass before the legislative session adjourns.
In the meantime, two particularly dangerous gun bills are moving through the legislature which we need your help to stop.