To: The Michigan State Senate and Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Don't Change Michigan's Auto No-Fault System

Oppose changes to Michigan's Auto No-Fault System by voting against Senate Bill 293 & 294. The changes will hurt the State, Michigan Citizens, Auto Accident Victims, and Home Healthcare Businesses.

Why is this important?

House Bill 4936, which is a merging of the original Senate Bills 293 and 294, has been introduced on September 14, 2011 because the original bills were cancelled due to overwhelming opposition. House Bill 4936 is still proposing changes to Michigan's Auto No-Fault System which will affect auto accident victims who need medical care because of their injuries. 4936 will still decrease the amount insurance companies pay for medical care which will lead to loss of jobs in the home care sector, a decrease in tax revenue for the State, and increased costs to the Medicaid system. The changes will hurt the State, Michigan Citizens, Auto Accident Victims, and Home Healthcare Businesses. To read the proposed bill go to and enter 4936 into the bill search box
