To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Don't Change Michigan's Auto No-Fault System: SAY NO TO HB 4612
Oppose changes to Michigan’s Auto No-Fault System by voting against House Bill 4612. The changes will hurt the state of Michigan, Michigan citizens, auto accident victims, and healthcare providers.
Why is this important?
On April 23rd 2013, HB 4612 was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives. HB 4612 is another attempt to change our Auto No-Fault System that has continuously been voted down due to overwhelming opposition in past bills such as HB 4936 and Senate Bills 293 and 294.
This bill will dismantle injury rehabilitation and care while shifting costs to a broken Medicaid system with no long term guarantee of lowering costs of auto insurance for Michigan residents.
It will lead to significant loss of jobs in the healthcare sector, a decrease in tax revenue for the state, and leave individuals involved in catastrophic accidents without the resources necessary for their care recovery and rehabilitation. To Read the proposed bill go to and enter 4612 into the bill search box.
We at Centria urge you to sign this petition and ask you to support groups fighting for patients' rights.
CPAN – Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault
CAPP – The Concerned Association of Patients and Providers
BIA – Brain Injury Association of Michigan
MBIPC – Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council
This bill will dismantle injury rehabilitation and care while shifting costs to a broken Medicaid system with no long term guarantee of lowering costs of auto insurance for Michigan residents.
It will lead to significant loss of jobs in the healthcare sector, a decrease in tax revenue for the state, and leave individuals involved in catastrophic accidents without the resources necessary for their care recovery and rehabilitation. To Read the proposed bill go to and enter 4612 into the bill search box.
We at Centria urge you to sign this petition and ask you to support groups fighting for patients' rights.
CPAN – Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault
CAPP – The Concerned Association of Patients and Providers
BIA – Brain Injury Association of Michigan
MBIPC – Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council