To: Sen. Martha McSally (AZ-2)

Don't Default on the American Dream in Arizona!

We the people of Arizona ask you to stand up to other members of your party in Congress who are threatening our nation's economic future to protect tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Sen. Kyl, please stand up for all of your constituents, not just the wealthy and powerful few. To protect the American economy from disaster, please do the right thing and vote to raise the debt ceiling.

Why is this important?

Arizona Senator Jon Kyl seems to be willing to bring the American economy to the brink of economic collapse for the sake of his millionaire friends. Sen. Kyl walked out of debt talks when an end to oil subsidies was discussed.

Don't Let Kyl and his Rebublican Colleagues Default on the American Dream!

Please sign the below petition and if you're able, please join Arizona MoveOn members in dropping by Sen. Kyl's Tucson or Phoenix offices to deliver the message in person.

Even as we create a long-term plan to rebuild the American Dream, we need to keep the foundation from being ripped out from under us. In this moment of crisis, we need to speak out as one voice in opposition to the immoral and damaging priorities in Washington. Our economy and much of what progressives have fought for over the last 60 years is at risk this week.
