To: President Donald Trump

Don't delay Medicare to age 67!

President Obama, in campaigning for re-election, you admirably opposed seniors being put at the mercy of private health insurance companies. From this it would follow that you would oppose raising the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 67.

In opposing this increased eligibility age, you would be respecting the wishes of most Americans. In two national public opinion polls by two different polling organizations this fall, 57 percent and 67 percent of Americans opposed raising the eligibility age from 65 to 67.

We agree with this majority. To assure affordable, reliable health care, Medicare should cover -- at the very least -- as many people is it covers now. Can America count on you to stand firm on not denying Medicare to people age 65?

Let us also strengthen Medicare financially. Here are two ways:
1. let Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices with the drug companies,
2. have more health care provided directly through Medicare rather than through much more expensive private health insurance.

Eight national opinion polls show most Americans, in majorities ranging from 60 percent to 87 percent, oppose cutting Medicare. Your firm protection of this efficient, life-saving program will be deeply appreciated by the American majority.

Why is this important?

Seniors should be able to count on Medicare at age 65, rather than have to gamble on getting affordable private health insurance for another two years.
