To: Osceola County Commission

Don't Deny Osceola Minorities Right to Vote

Had the ‘Petition for Non Partisan Election of County Commisioners’ been in place during the last election, only the white voters of Osceola County would have been able to elect a county commissioner. I urge you to vote ‘no’ at the June 4 BOCC meeting to place the petition as currently written on the ballot for Osceola voters.
County Commissioners should be elected in general elections held in November when the majority of voters are able to cast their ballots as opposed to primary elections held during the summer when a select minority of voters traditionally cast the majority of the ballots.
I urge all Osceola County Commissioners to stand up for the rights of all the voters and vote against placing this misleading and deceptive petition on the ballot.

Why is this important?

Pease sign this petition to urge Osceola County Commissioners not to allow the Chamber of Commerce petition allowing Oseola County Commissioners to be elected in Primary elections ratherthan General Elections when the majority of voters cast balots.