To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Don't "fast track" another dangerous free trade agreement

Americans cannot afford another failed trade policy that closes factories, ships jobs overseas, and leaves our workers behind. I urge the president and Congress to oppose the Baucus-Camp "fast track" bill to expedite the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)—a free trade agreement that could give massive multinational corporations unprecedented power over our fragile economy. American jobs and our environment are at stake.

Why is this important?

This may be the greatest threat to American jobs that you've never even heard of.

Right now, the Obama Administration and nearly a dozen countries are secretly negotiating the largest free trade agreement in history -- all behind closed doors without letting the American people know what's in it.

Now, Sen. Max Baucus and Rep. David Camp want to grant the president "fast track" authority, which provides for preferential and expedited congressional consideration of trade agreements to skirt around Congress' constitutional authority to amend the legislation.

This is plain wrong.

We know what happens when Congress passes this type of legislation granting fast track. Factories close, plants move overseas, and our workers are left behind. We simply can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of the past. This agreement could lead to the mass export of American jobs, put U.S. companies at a severe disadvantage, and harm our fragile environment.

Please sign this petition calling on President Obama and Congress not to "fast track" the TPP.
