To: Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia, Greg Hunt, Environment Minister, Bruce Billson, Small Business Minister, and Richard Colbeck, Agriculture Secretary

Don't jail climate activists just for speaking out!

The divestment movement is a global community of citizens concerned about the future of our planet. We're not extremists: We believe that keeping the planet safe from the threats of climate change is reasonable -- and so does science.

Banning freedom of speech and the right to campaign IS extremism. We urge you not to repeal these basic rights.

Why is this important?

Thanks to the leadership of Archbishop Desmond Tutu,, and the Sierra Student Coalition, more than 50 U.S. cities, churches, and colleges have declared that they will not invest in fossil fuels!

Big Coal is terrified of this movement, and they're striking back -- frantically trying to ban these campaigns and silence climate activists like you.

The Minerals Council of Australia is trying to outlaw coal boycotts and criminalize speaking out for the climate. Think about that: Ask a retirement fund or university not to include coal stocks in their investment portfolio, and go to jail! Australia is the world's leading coal exporter, so if Big Coal succeeds in silencing their opposition and eliminating free speech there, they will try elsewhere -- even here.

Australia is sensitive to world opinion, so your voice matters. Sign the petition to the Australian government: Defend our shared climate -- don't ban divestment campaigns!