To: Alan Fram, Reporter, Associated Press, Sally Buzbee, DC Bureau Chief, Associated Press, Jeremy Peters, Reporter, New York Times, Carolyn Ryan, DC Bureau Chief, New York Times, Susan Davis, Reporter, USA Today, Susan Page, Bureau Chief, U...

Don't Leave Poor People Out of the Minimum Wage Debate

When the voices of low-wage workers and community leaders are leading the conversation, we see real progress on fair pay. In states like Minnesota and Seattle, movements led by low-wage workers have led to lawmakers voting to increase minimum wage.

Yet in your coverage on the Senate’s failure to call a vote on a minimum wage increase, you did not quote or reference anyone actually impacted by this legislation. Affecting national change takes more than debates between politicians and lobbyists on Capitol Hill. We need the stories of real low-wage workers who are living in poverty at the forefront of the media -- and we call on your to report responsibly on the impact of this issue on millions of low-wage workers by lifting up their voices and experiences.

We are signing this petition to ensure that the fight for a national minimum wage increase is no longer a one-sided debate, and to call on your publication to make sure that our nation needs to hear from the working poor.

Why is this important?

When the voices of low-wage workers and community leaders are leading the conversation, we see real progress on fair pay. We must ensure that the fight for a national minimum wage increase is no longer a one-sided debate, and call on news outlets to to feature stories from the people who matter most in fighting economic inequality -- the working poor.