To: SECRETARY SEBELIUS, SECRECTARY, DEPT. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, President Donald Trump, The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, Governor Phil Murphy, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Don't Let Governor Christie Destroy Medicaid In New Jersey

We call on President Obama and Secretary Sebelius not to grant Gov. Christie's Sept. 2011 waiver request to give New Jersey's Medicaid programs for nursing homes to private, managed care companies.

Why is this important?

In September 2011, Governor Christie submitted a request for a federal waiver to the Center of Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) in Washington. He is requesting permission to give New Jersey's precious Medicaid program (the part that covers nursing home care) to private, managed care, for-profit companies. Most Americans are not super-rich, and therefore, depend on Medicaid insurance being there for them in their time of great need when either they or their friends and family need long-term nursing home care.

President Obama's phone number is 202-456-1111, and Secretary Sebelius's phone number is 202-205-5445. Call now, as the waiver request is near the end of a 90-day review process, and time is running out. Please tell your friends & family to call too.
