To: The Missouri State House and The Missouri State Senate

Don’t Let MO Legislators Silence Those Who Keep Us Safe

Missouri legislators: Instead of bills, like “right to work” and paycheck deception, that attack the rights of firefighters, teachers, nurses and others who keep our families safe, start working to create jobs solve the real problems facing our state's middle-class families.

Why is this important?

"Right to work" and paycheck deception legislation under consideration in the Missouri legislature would put our safety at risk by silencing the voices of our state's teachers, nurses and firefighters.

This legislation would put a chokehold on working families’ participation in our state's political process and further tilt the balance of power in favor of wealthy corporate interest groups.

Tell your representative that enough is enough. Stop attacking your opponents. Stop trying to silence Missouri's everyday heroes. And start working to create jobs and a better future for our state's middle-class families.

