To: Rebecca Wurzburger, City Councilor, Patti Bushee, City Councilor, Chris Calvert, City Councilor, Bill Dimas, City Councilor, Carmichael Dominguez, City Councilor, Peter Ives, City Councilor, Christopher Rivera, City Councilor, and Ron Tr...

Don't let Santa Fe become ALEC's new lobbyist

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Don't let Santa Fe become the American Legislative Exchange Council's (ALEC) new lobbyist in New Mexico.

Santa Fe has been innovative in implementing its diversion program. Don't take Santa Fe backward by lobbying for legislation like ALEC's Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Act that only benefits the for-profit prison industry.

Remove mandatory minimum sentencing from Santa Fe's legislative priorities resolution.

Why is this important?

Some Santa Fe city councilors, including mayoral candidates Patti Bushee and Bill Dimas, have sponsored legislation to require the City of Santa Fe to lobby for mandatory minimum sentencing for drug offenses - a legislative platform for the for-profit prison industry advanced by ALEC.