To: United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Don't Let the 0.1% Fast Track a Corporate Coup; Stop the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Secret N...

Join us in demanding that Congress put an end to these secret backroom negotiations between select government employees and corporations.

Demand that the draft text of Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations be released to the Members of Congress, not just to 600 corporate advisors who currently have access.

Demand that the Public have the right to view and comment on the draft text of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations.

Demand that Congress retain its constitutional authority to review and amend terms of the TPP agreement and NOT renew "Fast Track" legislation.

Why is this important?

Branded as a 'trade agreement', the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is actually a stealth delivery mechanism for insidious policies that could not survive the light of day. In fact, only two of the twenty-six chapters of this corporate coup agreement concern traditional trade issues. It has been negotiated under conditions of extreme secrecy with no press, public or policymaker oversight.

While some 600 official U.S. corporate advisors have full access to TPP documents and a special role in advising U.S. negotiators, our U.S. Senators and Representatives have not even seen the draft text! Leaked draft documents from the TPP negotiations reveal a massive corporate assault aimed at severely limiting our ability to:

Stop off-shoring millions of American jobs

Protect our internet freedom

Promote "Buy American" policies

Protect us from unsafe food and products

Protect our environmental laws

Impose oversight on the banksters

Expand access to affordable medicine

Create green jobs and rebuild our economy

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will establish a parallel court system allowing multinational corporations to bypass U.S. courts, and sue countries before tribunals which are unaccountable to democratically elected representatives. TPP member countries will have little to no right to appeal.

The Obama administration has indicated that a requirement for the conclusion of TPP negotiations is the renewal of "Fast Track" Trade Promotion Authority. Fast Track requires legislators to simply vote "yes" or "no" on hundreds upon hundreds of pages of binding text. Legislators are denied their constitutional authority to amend the terms of the agreement, shielding the terms of the agreement from public inspection.

Once finalized, the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement will likely be our last U.S. trade agreement. The TPP is currently being negotiated by the U.S. and ten other countries, but is intended as a "docking agreement" that other Pacific Rim countries would join over time. The Trans Pacific Partnership has been called “NAFTA on steroids”, and the agreement will have no expiration date.

We need to block the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) before it overrides generations of U.S. law. Sign today and let Congress know you support the demand to bring TPP negotiations into the light.

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Want to do more? E-mail this petition to everyone you know right now!

Sign on to an organizational statement of unity to oppose the TPP. See

Call your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives and tell them to demand an end to Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) secret negotiations.
