To: The Tennessee State House, The Tennessee State Senate, and Governor Bill Lee

Don't Let TN Children Go Hungry! Vote NO on bill SB132.

Cast a vote against taking the food out of the mouths of Tennessee children by voting NO on bill SB 132.

Why is this important?

Stacy Campfield is sponsoring bill SB 132 designed to improve academic performance of children who are doing poorly in school by cutting the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families received by their parents or guardians.
As things like rent, utilities, and gas are fixed items in a family's budget the items most likely to be cut back when the budget is reduced are from the food and medicine areas.
Many studies preformed over many years consistently established that students perform better when they are adequately fed. Years and years ago when I taught school, it was easy to spot the all around improvement--both academic and disciplinary--in children once the free breakfast was implemented, thus making it especially hard for me to comprehend how this bill would improve the academic performance of children by limiting their access to food.
