To: Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouts: Keep politics out of the Jamboree speech

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

We the undersigned ask the Boy Scouts of America to release a statement recognizing that it will stay true to its spirit as a national organization where efforts are made for all to feel welcome and that the explicitly partisan rhetoric of Donald Trump's speech, such as encouraging "boos" of his predecessor, was wrong.

Why is this important?

During his address to the 2017 National Scouting Jamboree, Donald Trump delivered a highly politicized and divisive speech that is against the patriotic spirit of the Boy Scouts of America.

I am a proud Eagle Scout who was an active Scout for twelve years, from Tiger Scouting through Cub Scouting and into Boy Scouting. As someone with different political values than the current president, I found his remarks at the Jamboree to be alienating and the use of the Boy Scouts as a prop by him to be dispiriting.
