To: Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-2)
Don't cut Social Security
We the undersigned strongly object to placing more financial burden on the poor. The proposed chained CPI adjustment to Social Security is a cut to those who need help the most.
The federal budget is probably the strongest statement of U.S. priorities that we have. In a democracy, It should reflect the wishes of the people, but, according to polls, it doesn't.
Stand strong for Social Security and place the burden on those who can afford it: like Exxon, the most profitable carbon polluter on the planet.
The federal budget is probably the strongest statement of U.S. priorities that we have. In a democracy, It should reflect the wishes of the people, but, according to polls, it doesn't.
Stand strong for Social Security and place the burden on those who can afford it: like Exxon, the most profitable carbon polluter on the planet.
Why is this important?
The Federal budget is probably the strongest statement of US priorities that we have. In a democracy, It should reflect the wishes of the people, but, according to polls, it doesn't. When most people do not agree with the opinions of the affluent, studies show that the wealthy prevail. They have been successful in the last few decades in removing tax burden from themselves and shifting it to the poor.
That's why they want a flat tax, even lower corporate taxes even though our largest corporations pay NO tax, and they are keen to cut Social Security, Medicare, headstart, and other social programs.
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That's why they want a flat tax, even lower corporate taxes even though our largest corporations pay NO tax, and they are keen to cut Social Security, Medicare, headstart, and other social programs.
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