To: UCONN Board of Trustees

Don't raise tuition at UCONN!

UCONN just raised its tuition 6.5%. Tell them that is unacceptable.

Why is this important?

UCONN's Board of Trustees just approved a 6.5% tuition hike to attend Connecticut's flagship public university. For in-state students, that means a rise in cost of $1,000. With fees, room and board, the price to attend UCONN for an in state student is now $24,774 a year. For out of state students, the price will go up to $44,698, which is more than many private colleges. UCONN is also planning on raising tuition prices by 6.8% in 2016. Such a large increase in tuition means many students will not be able to attend UCONN in the coming years because they cannot afford it, or fall further in to debt.

These tuition hikes are in response to underfunded government grants. If UConn needs more money, the state should fund it, not workers, who have already made concessions, or students, who can't afford to pay more.

Public schools should be affordable to any student who wants to attend and qualifies to get in. The state should bare extra costs, not students. Tell the Board of Trustees and the Connecticut Legislature that if they want to raise UConn's budget, the state should pay, not students or workers.