To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Don't shorten- Enron chief executive Jeffrey Skilling's-prison sentence.

Don't shorten- Enron chief executive Jeffrey Skilling's-prison sentence.

Public Justice-We are taught from childhood that "right is right and wrong is wrong" and that there are consequences as a result of our actions. It is in the public's interest that criminals-whether blue collar or white collar are treated equally under the law, and are not given special consideration/treatment based on their financial means or financial misdeeds.

By reducing the prison sentence of convicted former Enron's chief executive Jeffrey Skilling's would be a violation of the "Public Justice" and would show that the judicial foundation of "Equal Under the Law" in this United States, in actuality does not apply. Keep Jeffrey Skillings in prison and do not allow him early parole for his crimes.

Why is this important?

Public Justice-We are taught from childhood that "right is right and wrong is wrong" and that there are consequences as a result of our actions. It is in the public's interest that criminals-whether blue collar or white collar are treated equally under the law, and are not given special consideration/treatment based on their financial means or financial misdeeds.