To: Tom Beehan, Mayor, D. Jane Miller, Mayor Pro Tem, Trina Baughn, Councilwoman, Anne Garcia Garland, Councilwoman, David Mosby, Councilman, Charlie Hensley, Councilman, Chuck Hope, Councilman, Jack Suggs, and Industrial Development Board, ...

Don't Spoil Greenway; Use Alternate Elec. Supply Method

The proposed above-ground powerline along the greenway/road behind the Horizon Center would permanently destroy the recreational and esthetic value of the greenway and seriously reduce the value of the Black Oak Ridge Conservation Easement and the Horizon Center "natural areas" for conservation. Please find alternatives that supply electricity to the Horizon Center without destroying this valuable community asset.

Why is this important?

An above ground 69 KV power line (approximately 2 miles long) is being proposed run alongside the Black Oak Ridge Conservation Easement (BORCE), the East Fork Natural Area (EFNA) and the North Boundary Greenway. The above ground power line right of way (50 feet wide) will require over a mile of forested land on the East Fork Natural Area and along the North Boundary Greenway and BORCE to be cleared. Another mile of power line will run along the North Boundary Greenway and BORCE.