To: Tim Cook, Apple CEO

Don't take public transit off the iphone


Many people are disabled and rely on public transit. Others can't afford cars, or want to help the environment by choosing public transit.

We ask you to reconsider and include direct support for public transit and walking directions in your map app that comes with the next release, iOS 6.

Why is this important?

Apple will be releasing their own map app on their upcoming operating system, and no longer using google maps. Public transit has been removed. They say they're leaving that up to third parties now. Many people can't afford cars, or want to help the environment, and others like me can't drive due to a disability. I've relied heavily on my iphone and google maps access to public transit data. I don't think its right that apple has taken away that functionality with their own map. if you agree sign my petition asking apple to reconsider and include public transit directly in their map app.