To: Elijah Haahr (MO-134) and Dottie Bailey (MO-110)
Dottie Bailey: Resign from the House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee
Despite your controversial appointment to the Missouri House Elementary and Secondary Education Committee, you are completely unqualified to serve as Vice Chairwoman.
We, the undersigned, demand your immediate resignation on your track record that is antithetical to public education; you have no meaningful connection with public schools and you are determined to defund and privatize Missouri public schools. Your hateful rhetoric and extremist stances betray the needs of Missouri's children. Resign.
We, the undersigned, demand your immediate resignation on your track record that is antithetical to public education; you have no meaningful connection with public schools and you are determined to defund and privatize Missouri public schools. Your hateful rhetoric and extremist stances betray the needs of Missouri's children. Resign.
Why is this important?
I am a veteran Missouri public school teacher and I have followed Rep Bailey's rise in Missouri politics. Rep Bailey has very active social media accounts in which she attacks her constituents, she has threatened to use loaded guns for violent encounters, and she frequently uses anti-Semitic slurs. Rep Bailey has accepted money from those determined to privatize our schools and dismantle our local school boards. She has also been celebrated publicly by ALEC for her support of charter schools. Rep Bailey's appointment to the Missouri Education Committee is potentially dangerous to public schools and Missouri's children.