To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Drastically shrink the military officer corps

Over the past 12 years, the officer/enlisted ratio in the US military has slipped from one officer for every six enlisted; to almost one officer for four enlisted. It was 1:10 during World War II. Meanwhile, the services complain that intelligent enlisted people leave the service because of micromanagement. Many enlisted have college degrees and become angry that they earn 50% less for doing jobs similar to officers. Officers are supposed to be executives; do we need one executive to oversee every four enlisted? There are proposals to drastically slash the officer corps to 1:20, a level found in many effective armies. While major cuts are debatable, our military should at least return to the 1:6 ratio of 1990, which would require conversion of 60,000 active officer positions to enlisted ranks This will save $2 billion a year once fully implemented. Fortunately, the Congressional Budget Office already produced a study on this in 2000. Adopt the Congressional Budget Office findings.

Why is this important?

Control waste in military spending by drastically reducing the number of officers. The current ratio of enlisted personnel to officers in the US military is 4 to 1.
