To: Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles City Council, and Los Angeles Police Commission

Drone-Free LAPD. No Drones, LA!

I am deeply concerned and reject the use of drone technology by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). I demand that the LAPD be prohibited from any use of drone technology. The acquisition of drones by the LAPD signifies a huge step forward in the militarization of local law enforcement. The use of drone technology continues the normalization of surveillance, getting communities used to being watched and creating a culture of suspicion and fear. Drone technology in the hands of LAPD must be stopped because:

• LAPD cannot be trusted – In April 2014 it was exposed that LAPD officers sabotaged voice recording and video recording inside patrol cars installed to monitor officer conduct;

• Drones open the door to an unparalleled invasion of everyone’s privacy, and create a great potential of false identification;

• With LAPD’s history of “Mission Creep” there is no guarantee that drones will only be used for their stated purpose;

• Historically drones are used to commit to acts of war abroad therefore its logical for Angelenos to question if drones open the door for “The War at Home.”

Why is this important?

We are deeply concerned and reject the use of drone technology by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). The acquisition of drones by the LAPD signifies a huge step forward in the militarization of local law enforcement. The use of drone technology continues the normalization of surveillance, getting communities used to being watched and creating a culture of suspicion and fear. #NodronesLA
