To: Debra Workeneh, Acting Chief Counsel

Drop The ICE Hold On Julio Rodriguez

Julio is an organizer at Youth Justice Coalition. He makes space for people to express themselves through art and encourages other students to aim for college, despite hardships in their lives. He was arrested in front of his home on May 5th, and remains incarcerated awaiting his court date where he faces misdemeanor vandalism charges, which carry no prison sentence. His family and friends paid his bail, but he was not released because ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) has placed a hold on him. Julio is at the mercy of ICE, where he does not have the right to an attorney, and has been subjected to intimidation and outright lies from ICE agents, threatening Julio with a Felony charge if he does not sign documents that will result in his immediate deportation. Tell ICE that their "justice" is not American justice. Support Julio to release his hold so he can return to his positive work in the community and his home.

Why is this important?

Julio remains in jail due to only one fact: He is undocumented. Julio is a DREAM Act eligible student, an organizer at the Youth Justice Coalition, creates venues at community spaces where youth could express themselves through music, and mentors high school students over attending college. Currently he is held in jail, without being able to even face the court, because of his fear of deportation. Tell ICE to drop his hold and let him return to doing the work he does in his community.