To: Lee Matthews, Radio Host

Drop the Lee Matthews Show

After getting negative criticism for his remarks about the SlutWalk marches, Lee Matthews, a right wing talk show host on KTOK radio, posted a picture of three under-aged attendants and proceeded, not only to make horrendously inappropriate remarks, but remarks that are not befitting of the family values of some of his sponsors. Matthews wrote: "Is the blond trying to point out women are victimized or to tell us where to look first? "Consent is Sexy"? Does that mean you are consenting right now because it looks like there isn't much further to go? The girl in the peach skirt gets the most credit because at least she is fully clothed. "Yes means yes"? Does that mean you are saying "yes" to anyone reading?" These sorts of remarks don't go away for the people being ogled by a man three times their senior. They also don't go away for the families seeing their daughters talked about in such a crude way. Whether or not you agree with the Slutwalk events, attending Slutwalk does not invite this sort of lechery. For this reason, advertisers should withdraw their sponsorship from his show.

The post is located here:

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition because I believe that it is inappropriate, whether you disagree with Slutwalk or not, to discuss under-aged girls in such a way in public when you are probably three times their senior.
