To: Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services and Kathleen.Sebelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services

Drop the Medicare In Home Rule Now

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Please Drop the Medicare In Home Rule Now. It harms people who need wheelchairs or home chore assistance, especially those with degenerative neuromuscular disabilities.

This rule creates painful isolation and costs taxpayers more. Without household help and access to exercise and and social opportunities - both of which help alleviate pain - medical conditions worsen and nursing homes may become the only option. Many negative things result at that point, but included among them are:
1. More money spent by Medicare for conditions that could be avoided;
2. More taxes paid at the state level, because when people run out of money Medicaid becomes the primary payor. This helps decimate state and local governments, which you well know from being a former governor.

Why is this important?

The Medicare In Home Rule refuses wheelchairs or home chore assistance for people with degenerative neuromuscular disabilities until they have become completely paralyzed. It also refuses to provide wheelchairs if people leave their homes, except for doctor visits.

This not only creates painful isolation, it costs taxpayers more because without household help and access to exercise and and social opportunities - both of which help alleviate pain - medical conditions worsen and nursing homes may become the only option. Many negative things result at that point, but included among them are:
1. More money spent by Medicare for conditions that could be avoided;
2. More taxes paid at the state level, because when people run out of money Medicaid becomes the primary payor.
