To: Olmsted County Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners: IT'S TIME.. Make The Move Towards Proven Progress in Treating Addiction ...

Nationally 'Drug Courts' have proven to work (empirically), and in Minnesota 56 counties already utilize the benefit of 'Drug Courts.' Let us speak loudly in order to let the county commission know, we will no longer settle for trying to incarcerate addiction disease. It is a losing venture financially and morally to deny a Drug Court to the Olmsted County tax payers,

Why is this important?

As an Olmsted County Resident I refuse to sit idly by and watch Board waste tax revenue by locking up illnesses such as alcoholism/addiction at the cost of up to 50,000 per year. When it has been proven time and again that those who qualify for the services of a drug court do not get better in jail, but get better with treatment and supportive services which cost far less than incarceration. Olmsted County Community Corrections already work with eligible offenders in a 'Highly Structured,' and monitored treatment option which is held in the detention center. Let us now bring the courts into the mix like Counties all over this nation..
