To: Joel Sipress, Duluth City Councilor Second District (Precincts 8-13), Zack Filipovich, Duluth Council President/Committee Of The Whole Chairperson, Noah Hobbs, Duluth City Councilor At Large, Gary Anderson, City Councilor District One/P...

Duluth City Council: Pass the Declaration of Support for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

We the undersigned support the the passing of the Duluth Indigenous Commissions proposed resolution titled "Declaration of support for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe" a.ka. "File #:16-0874R RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE STANDING ROCK SIOUX TRIBE'S EFFORT TO PROTECT SACRED TRIBAL LANDS AND THE MISSOURI RIVER." by the Duluth City Council at their meeting scheduled for December 5th 2016.

Why is this important?

The Standing Rock Sioux and native peoples of North America have suffered enough under colonization and its time we support them in general and especially in their efforts to combat the climate change causing pollution problem danger to the world that is the Dakota Access Pipeline.