Shut Down the Harding Street Coal Plant in Indianapolis
Why is this important?
Indianapolis Power & Light, wants to keep this dirty and deadly coal plant operating for decades into the future. Worse yet, it wants my friends and family to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars in upgrades the plant needs to continue operating.
Indianapolis Power & Light is expected to make a decision about the Harding Street plant soon. Let's make sure the company knows that Central Indiana residents don't want to pay more for electricity to extend the life of this dirty coal plant, which spews air pollution right into downtown Indianapolis.
According to their own website, Indiana Power & Light calls itself "an industry leader in environmental stewardship;" and their website displays intentions of going green. But pollution from its Harding Street coal plant is not green.
The clean air task force has estimated the pollution to cause 76 premature deaths, 120 heart attacks and 1,300 asthma attacks each year in Central Indiana. The EPA's Coal Waste Data sheet reports that the Harding Street Station now has two hazard ponds. According to the National Inventory of Dams (NID) criteria, “high” hazard coal ash ponds are categorized as such because their failure will likely cause loss of human life.
"And if Indiana Power & Light moves forward with the costly plant upgrades it is considering, Indianapolis and surrounding areas we will be stuck with this dirty air pollution for decades."
We can't allow that to happen."