To: DuPont CEO Ed Breen
DuPont: Clean up the drinking water you contaminated with the deadly chemical C-8
I am one of the tens of thousands of people in West Virginia and Ohio who has been poisoned by your chemical C-8. You knew the dangers, you knew you were contaminating people, and you never did anything to prevent me and my family from drinking your toxic chemical. DuPont: Clean up our drinking water NOW.
Why is this important?
I never worked in DuPont’s factory. I never knew I was being exposed to harmful amounts of C-8. But DuPont knew, and DuPont did nothing to stop it. I was exposed to C-8 because the company dumped it into the Ohio River and landfills, where it leached into the water me and my family drink every day. After decades of lies and delays, it’s time for DuPont do the right thing and clean up our drinking water NOW.