To: Zack Hawkins (NC-31) and Floyd B. McKissick (NC-20)

Durham Believes in The Wright School

The Wright School, a nationally renowned inpatient program for children with mental and behavioral health issues is once again on the NC legislature's chopping block. Let's let our local representatives know that Durham believes in The Wright School and its mission!

Why is this important?

Move On advises that we address petitions directly to our legislators, as they are more likely to listen to their constituents, so please sign even if you have already signed another petition to save the Wright School. The following is what Joe Reed said in a similar petition addressed to the entire legislature.

"Although the Wright School survived a plan to close the school in last year's budget cycle, we have been shocked to learn that this year the Senate has again proposed a budget that would close the school in September 2014, returning the children to non-existent local resources. Now the NC House is set to propose its version of the budget in the coming days, and we must act quickly if we are to save this vital resource. The Wright School, a nationally-known 50-year-old institution, is a best practice, short term, high quality residential treatment center for children statewide with severe emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties whose needs cannot currently be met in their communities. It serves as a model facility nationwide for the principles of Re-Education, and has a sterling record of unqualified success. To learn more about the school, visit and please, forward a link to this petition far and wide! We've also launched a support website to help you have an even greater impact: Please help promote this site as well! Time is NOT on our side this year and the school could be closed forever in just a few months. We literally have only days to convince the Legislature to once again back away from this disastrous decision. There is some support for the school in the legislature, particularly from Rep. Nelson Dollar, but we must raise our voices as loud as we can, because these children have no political voices of their own."
